Thursday, April 14, 2016

Professor Layton and the Curious Village Review

Don’t judge this game by its cover-- It’s a lot more than a kid’s game.

System Played On: DS

Age Rating: E

My Age Rating: E10+
There’s some pretty creepy undertones in Professor Layton-- Especially in the first game of the series.

Graphics: 8/10
Simple was good on this. They didn’t try to over do it at all, they knew the DS could handle cartoony, and they kept it cartoony-- Hopefully they keep it that way.

Plotline: 9.5/10
This, once again, caught me for its plotline. I seem to have a thing for that. One of the most intriguing, and there’s a reason I own every game: They’re all ORIGINAL and FRESH. It’s not the same story over and over.

Playability: 10/10
What can I say, it’s a puzzle game. Kind of hard to screw that up.

Overall: 9/10

Replay Value:7/10
Though the story doesn’t change if you replay it, there are around 100-200 puzzles per game, and if you miss any and you beat the game, it encourages you to go back and solve all the puzzles. Unlike other games, it’s not like you’re doing pointless missions, the puzzles are there for your enjoyment and headaches.

Professor Layton and young apprentice Luke go driving to St. Mystere, where they got a letter asking for Layton’s crafty detective work. When Layton and Luke get there, not only are they bombarded with puzzles from the locals, but missing information from the lady that called them there, and murders that lead to a bigger mystery in St. Mystere.

Overall Review:
This game kept me on my seat after every puzzle.
Let me explain.
This game is NOT just a puzzle game.
Sure, there are A LOT of puzzles, but the game itself isn’t like a Brain Game, where you play everyday to improve your brain function to win pointless prizes, this game follows an actual story that keeps you on your toes.
The game ended in a place I never thought it would, and the puzzles gave me countless hours of enjoyment and frustration. It was never an overbearing amount of ridiculously hard puzzles,  and it was never too much plot I got bored. Level-5 seems to have a system in place that creates the perfect mystery game, and it saddens me more haven’t gotten to experience the Professor Layton Series for themselves.
Unfortunately, not much can be said without ruining the mystery, so I guess you kids need to find out yourselves how magnificent this series truly is.
(GameFAQs) Walkthrough Link:


  1. I love the whole theme of your blog and the ratings of every aspect of the game really helped and made it easy to understand.

  2. I love the format of your blog! Its really easy to read. This game sounds very interesting I might have to check it out! But great job with the reviews
